Monday, January 15, 2007

This is a sponsored post.

Would you think of Bulgaria when you think of travelling? My circle of friends doesn't really put this as first choice, BUT THEN, if you take a look at this country located above Turjey and under Romania, you might be interested... It has a great skiing and resorts, BEAUTIFUL beaches that is on the Black Sea coast, like the Sunny Beach (there's lotsa resorts there) and Golden Sands... Maybe I'll give this country a visit, but then again, for now, it still isn't my first priority...

I don't know about others, but in my case, IF I would EVER have enough money to do property investments, I might not think of Bulgaria... But for those that are interested to buy property there for investments or even maybe you are interested to move there where you'll then need a home to stay in, you can check out golden sands property, or check on their news section for news on Bulgaria...
