Wednesday, January 10, 2007

This post is sponsored by ZOOOF.COM.

Nowadays, there's so much talk about tracking back to our roots, tracking back our older generation and where our family actually started, and things like that... I've even seen on TV, on an advertisement of linkage of family names (for chinese) for a certain surname (since chinese goes by surname), but these are all in general, nothing specific...

There's also the saying that the whole world is linked up by 6 degrees of friends... Meaning, you are my friend's husband's sister's friend's brother's son... FOR EXAMPLE! I do see this pretty often, like, you wouldn't imagine that this friend of yours actually know this new friend of yours, but then you realised, hey, they actually have a common friend!!! Confusing, but something like that... hahaha...

Anyhow, that was the 6 degrees of seperation, but what ZOOOF, The Family Network uses, is the real degrees, of how we really are connected by familities in the past and present... Using this, we get to build interactive flash familytree, and of course, you'll have to invite your family member and they will have to invite theirs, and see the familytree grow up to 12 familylevels!!! There's also other modules that allows you to share familystories, picture and even a treasury box to HIDE familysecrets! hehehe...

Imagine, if this continue on, your future great great great grandchildren will still be able to know about you!! COOL yeah?? Anyway, the site is open for everybody (for free) and it is currently in beta stage and this will end on 14th February... If you are interested to take a peek of it before the 14th Feb, mail your NAME, EMAIL, COUNTRY, GENDER to invite[at]zooof[dot]com for a personal invitation link...

p/s: check below for a 'view' of a sample familytree... (Click for bigger view) :D
