Friday, December 29, 2006

Well, of course there are a lot of restrictions lar, but then when it happened yesterday night, first thing I thought about is to start a new label and start jotting it down in this blog, so Rachel can read all about it in the future... hahaha... So this will be the first, I will remember to post everytime one happens, from now onwards...

Restriction #1 : No late night tickling!
hehehe.... why ar?
Well, you see, I like to tickle Tecky... He seem extra happy when that happens! hahahaha....
No lar, he's not happy, just so ticklish he can't stop laughing, and it's fun... Of course I don't like to be tickled back, but I like to tickle him...

Yesterday night, a tickling chance cropped up, and without thinking, I tickled him non stop, and though I thought we were VERY quiet, RACHEL WOKE UP! AIYOH! really *slap forehead*!! Lucky after a few minutes of tossing and turning, she fell asleep again without our interference... So, from now on, tickling session is restricted after Rachel sleeps... :(
