Thursday, December 28, 2006

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I think depression is getting more and more common these days, my theory is that life is getting more and more stressful in comparison with our ancestors, and also that we are expecting and demanding more of ourselves (also on others), which indirectly causes more stress too...

I was in the verge of depression a while back, when my dad passed away and at the same time having to get used to the colleague environment and then to working (yeah everything accumulated through a few years), which also made me very afraid of getting into postnatal depression when I found out about my pregnancy... I remember bringing it up often with Tecky, telling him to be careful about it and if any symptoms did crop up, help me, inform me about it and help me through it! Reason being, I believe that we need to firstly realise and admit that we are having depression and that we need to help ourselves along with support that is given by close ones, to truly work with depression... Of course my case was mild but I do know of a few friends that was very badly affected... I tend to try to help, but most of the time, they will need to allow people to help, cuz if not, they will just hide further into the corner of depression...

I know people that still think depression is a MENTAL problem (associating it with psychopaths) but it really isn't! Seriously, when we don't admit and dont get depression help, we will just get worse, cuz depression just adds on, because you are depressed in the first place, you tend to make yourself even depressed... and the vicious cycle continues...

Take the first step, the first clue, and take these test to see if you might be at risk of depression or not. Of course, keep in mind that it is not 100% accurate, it is just an initial clue, gives you an initial idea, but if you think you are, do get depression help by professionals...
