Thursday, August 17, 2006

Now now, back to the topic of the orange fat cat, yes TIMO, OBVIOUSLY most people think of GARFIELD. To me, Orange Fat Cat MEANS and DIRECTLY implies GARFIELD and vice versa.

However, the reason I blogged about it, NO SengMing, hubby didn't think of me. Yes, I'm fat, but no I'm not orange and I'm no cat... :P
OK, back to story.... So, we heard this phrase on the radio, well actually it was the POPULAR Orange Fat Cat... Later on, hubby asked me, who's the popular orange fat cat, which I instantaneously answered GARFIELD lar of course, OBVIOUSLY.... And you know what? Hubby said, I thought HEATCLIFF!!!!

Hahahaha.... I bet a few of you (I know my cousins did) would ask, who the hell is HEATCLIFF????? Well, I know who's Heatcliff, but he can't beat Garfield's popularity lar!!!!!! To proof this point, I would have to admit that I forgot totally what colour Heatcliff is, until I surf for it on google image... hehehe....

So now we know, there's at least 2 Orange Fat Cat, and this is why I wanted to know if anyone out there do think of Heatcliff at first thought... MANA TAU (MALAY: Who knows) some people went and think that it was me!! SIGH.....