Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I've been reading quite a bit, and realised that no matter what, Rachel will get attached to the maid, but hubby also made me realise that it doesn't mean she will not want me.... Well, I guess if it happens, my only way out is to wait until she grow out of it.... And snatch the best that I have of her, and enjoy the moment....
Soon, I will try and put up things that I read from articles which I find helpful, as a reminder for myself and for those that are interested to know, so you can teach your friend or yourself.... hahaha.... I need to keep track of all those things I read, so that I will not forget it when Rachel grow into that age... Lets hope I don't end up doing it halfway again.... :D

I realised that little Rachel's existence taught me a lot... From handling her (I've NEVER imagined I could cut baby's finger and toe nails, they are SO SO small), to handling myself... I hope she continues to bring out the better of me...

From now on, I'll try to remember to blog each and every (tiny, small or big) things that I'm thankful of, that I like/enjoy doing/seeing... I realised when I read an article in a baby & mother magazine, that although I do realise and appreciate things that are happening to me daily, I get happier reading about it or writing about it out.... It's good to remind myself more of it, and maybe if this blog can last long enough, she can read about it too... hahaha.... :D

I enjoy seeing Rachel's smile (whether or not she intend to do it) early morning, when she wakes up... As hubby puts it, it really melts your heart.... It brightens up ur day and makes u want to squeeze her tightly and not let go.... I guess that will eventually be another hurdle for me to get myself to work... hahaha
Don't you enjoy her smile too????? :D

I enjoy putting her to sleep on my chest... There's a special unexplainable sensation when she lie on me, and it's a good position to try and squeeze her too... hehehe... It's just wonderful... That's really my favourite position to carry her now....
Doesn't she look comfortable?? Yes lar, she does.... :D
