Friday, February 09, 2007

Yes lor, Rachel is sick liao... (or the record, this is the 2nd time she's sick, the first being a slight fever)... And I know where she got the virus from... READ HERE!!! :( She got flu, was coughing and coughing in the morning and slight fever too (the last I measured, 37.9)... I suspect the fever might be due to teething, but I am no doctor lar... hahaha...

I have to add (too bad I didn't video her), it was easy giving her to medicine (dunno if because it's sweet)... I tot I was goin to have trouble, cuz 3 different medicine mar, 2.5ml each... BUT HOH, this gal of mine, take liao ask fo more, somemore give her she suck suck suck... like so happy... hahaha...

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