Do not cry if the sun sets at the end of the day,
because the tears will not let you enjoy the beauty of the beautiful stars.
Our car windshield was shattered in pieces, lucky for us that windshields are all tampered glass, that it did not break and fall ALL OVER us!!
No, we have NO IDEA at all on what hit it, nor WHY it even shattered into pieces. But yeah, we are now officially poorer by RM400 AT LEAST!! Why?? To replace it of course, and NO, we did not get any insurance on our windshield... SIGH
We always end up wondering why didn't do we certain things, when something else happened. Like, how often does the windshield actually cracked or shattered, sometimes if you would have bought the RM100 or so insurance on the windshield, nothing like this would have happened, and in 5 years, u can actually change one yourself! I've been driving permanently (everyday) for 5 years now, and this is the first time, so I guess this is the insurance payment eh? HAHAHAHA.....
Actually, this is the 3rd time the car is going into workshop, THIS YEAR alone.... First time because of engine oil leakage, another because I was stranded at the side of the road and the engine wouldn't start until it actually cools down (something to do with the fuel distributor), and now, this.... And we are going to be selling this car off when BB is born! All this innocent uncalled for spendings of GOOD money.... Imagine what I could have done with the RM400 this time!! A SUPER nice baby car seat or a SUPER nice baby bed and A LOT of nice baby clothes!! SIGH.....
* How the car looks like, after bro-in-law bashed it with a steering lock!
Our first purchase for BB!! We initially went scouting for prices yesterday night, wanting to know the price difference of Avent products between M'sia and Sg, but we ended up spending RM40 on 4 LITTLE TINY shirts!!! And these are the LOWER priced items, going on a baby product sale in the foyer of the complex!!!!!
There's so many cute clothes, which are meant for a baby gal, but I'm not even sure if BB's going to be a gal or a boy, what if I buy those, and BB turn up to be a boy!! It'll be so weird to let my son wear frilly shirts right? SIGH!! So that explains the neutral coloured shirts, which will fit for both gender... :D
As for the price of Avent product!!! It cost a BOMB here compared to Sg, which means, I will be troubling my friends in Sg, and assigning them my official purchaser, to get those items for me. I've already given them a long list of stuff to hunt down and purchase, I guess I really owe them a SUPER DUPER big meal when they come back... or probably A FEW meals. :D
It was an exciting night for hubby and I two nights before, we saw BB (the bundle of job growing in me now) MOVING! Well, I know it's probably just something any pregnant women will say, 'AIYAH, normal lar'!! But it was exciting. We could actually literally see my tummy move, to describe, it is like a small scale of those alien movies, where the alien is growing inside the human body!! (It's weird to describe BB as alien, but it does reminds me of that, :P).
BB is officially 6 months in me now, another 3 months and 7 days to go.... It feels like just yesterday when hubby and I were all excited and flabbergasted about the double line on pregnancy test, but it's now 6 months already! I'm starting to be able to 'sense' BB's movement, being able to sense (80% of the time) BB's movement before 'it' (since the gender is not 100% confirmed) actually moved/kicked.
Many times now, I catch myself wondering (and worrying in the matter of fact), about whether or not I'll be a good mother, about whether or not BB's gonna be healthy and fine, if I'm taking enough nutrition for BB's growth, whether I'll even be able to handle BB when 'it' cries and all later on, and the questions just continues.... That also reminds me, I have to start preparing the apartment for BB's arrival!!!
HECTIC!!!!! That's how I'd spell CNY now. So much changes compared to how it was.....
It used to be receiving of angpow (red packets with money inside).
Now it's distributing (well, I still do receive some from family, so that's good... hehehe).
It used to be 1 reunion dinner, 1 visiting (Johor) and then FREE TIME!
Now, it's A FEW reunion dinner to attend in the same night but too little time, 2 visitings (Ipoh & Johor - North to South of the Peninsula), and VERY little free time... :(
Bad thing is that I couldn't take the raw salmon now, because of the pregnancy... I swear that after delivery, I will go have a sashimi buffet, HAHAHA.....
I always wonder, what is in the 'yee sang' dish that every restaurant you go to around the CNY celebration, there ought to be 'yee sang'.
Oh, the funny part is, at the end of the tossing, all our chopsticks are now sticky and crumps falls ALL over the table, but everyone is laughing and having fun.... WHY leh huh?? (I osso don't know leh).....
The 'event' always lasted pass midnight, and this year, it went on until 4am!!!!!!!! Thank God I took leave the day after, else I'd be zombie leh....
CNY long holiday is over. Why does time always pass slower when we're waiting for a holiday, and always pass by SO DARN FAST when we are HAVING the holiday???
I have so so many things to blog about, I don't know where to start.... hahaha.....
First of, here's how the little bundle of joy is growing inside of me... :P
Doc says that it'll be a girl, but I think I still will not get ANYTHING in pink, because there are just too many cases that the gender comes out not as expected... Imagine having pink stuff and the baby turns out to be a boy... I'd rather have blue stuff for a baby girl... :D
p/s : I'm DEFINITELY sticking to white.....