Tuesday, May 15, 2007

WAHSEH! When I saw the title, I was so excited... Who has not dreamt about dating a celebrity? Especially when you are in your teens, the day dreaming of dating a celebrity will definitely pass through the mind, whether you are a girl or a boy, NO?
But of course, everyone will end the thought with how impossible this day dreaming is... Well, it's not entirely impossible... SERIOUSLY...

Try out the Free videos at GoFish.com and you'll know why...
They are currently having this contest call Seduce a Celeb, that will run for the next 14 weeks... ANYONE can take part in the program, and it is actually the first of it's kind, ONLINE...

You stand a chance to win a date with celebrity, like Mirelly Taylor ON TOP OF the free videos that you get... Mirelly Taylor, YES, MIRELLY TAYLOR, who appeared and starred in "Kiss Me Again", "Numb3rs" and lots more... All you need to do is to watch the introduction of this promotion, where Mirelly himself will explain... Then watch Mirelly's videos with 3 specific calls to action and create a video for each of them... Of course you'll need to be as creative as possible to stand out from the mass competitors... And lastly, upload your videos to enter for the change to win the date... You can also vote for the contestants... :D
