Monday, December 18, 2006

I had this creepy creature run up my arm yesterday...

No lar, not in my house, if it was, it'll probably be dead, watever it's price was... It was this tarantula exhibition held in the science lab of the campus... So, being the kepoh I was, colleagues and I went and have a look see look see...

You know, I was surprised to know that tarantula can't actually kill! Where do I always get the idea that they do? Anyhow, AFTER (mind you, it was AFTER) we allowed the creature to run up our arms, we were told that it ACTUALLY will sting (do u call it sting?) you if it felt threatened, but it wouldn't kill you... The worse case that happened was that a guy whom were allergic to the venom went into coma, but no casualties so far... We were told by the 'expert' (he actually keeps more than 30 tarantulas pets) that the most, it'll kill a cat... (disclaimer: all facts are NOT checked, just merely information from him)...

If you EVER see one in your house, and the creature has it's upper body standing up, don't go near, cuz that's their in-attack position!
Oh, don't be surprised too if you do happen to come across one, cuz we were also shown one which was the size of my palm, and told that it's a species FOUND IN MALAYSIA!!! Another, which he bought for RM130 (1 inch body), 6 months back (which is now about 3inches across), can grow up to 12inches in 2 years!

Seriously, if I see one, I'll step on it (NO DOUBT) and not think of it's worth... *EEEE YEERRRR*

p/s: check out if you are interested in more... but NO NO NO, THIS IS NOT a paid post... Just in case anyone mistaken this as one... hahaha

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