Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Rachel surprised me yesterday, by knowing how to wave bye bye...
I have been teaching her this for SO SO long... And lately, lotsa people were asking me, "huh? still don't know how to wave meh?!"...
So, yesterday she FINALLY does it, over and over again somemore!
And she knows how to relate this moving-of-hands-up-and-down action to the word bye-bye (as in everytime she hear bye-bye, she'll move her hands).... Only problem now is, when people say HI RACHEL to her, she also does the same hand movement!! *slap forehead*
Photo doesn't show the movement of her hands as of the photo she did with GIMME-5, because it was taken with my point & shoot (using sports settings (fast shutter speed)) versus the use of DSLR with slow shutter speed that showed the movement...
p/s: I AM a little proud, cuz this is one of the thing I can tell my mom, eh eh, see... I trained my dotdot also leh!! hahaha... If not, everything Rachel learnt also she teach one... (except the sayang people's cheek, I tot her that too, cuz I want dotdot to sayang me... hahaha)...
Labels: Milestone, Rachel Huan
Michelle; Sasha Tan; Nadia; michelle@mybabybay; Mommibee says HI from Sydney; milkmaid;