Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Little Rachel is not so little anymore.... As many would have known and as I have previouslly blogged about, she's a real chubby cutie...

She's currently on a 'tiny' diet, where her milk intake is decreased slightly, as her paediatrician (my aunt, her grandaunt) says she's a little overweight! :|

She's starting to fake her cries, when she's bored or when she wants to be carried! Starting to show her really impatient temper, shouting a lot more when not attended to. For now, we are gonna try and let her do her crying act, just let her cry and shout as she wants to, not because we don't love her, but because we don't hope for her to be a little pampered spoilt brat! Look at the top left hand corner, the photo of her shouting! It can be really loud I tell you.... With her legs kicking and arms swinging, she can be a tough one sometimes....

Today morning at 2am, she woke up for a feeding, for the first time in many weeks now.... Lotsa questions are coming to my mind, on the possibility of this sudden change, but hubby and I have decided that we'll wait and see what happens tonight, before we make any changes to the current routine.... *Yawn*
