Monday, September 04, 2006

Are you the ones that would read back on old past chat conversation/emails?

I am one that enjoy doing it, and have a habit of saving up the chat conversations with significant chat partner(s) in text files, for future browsing. I came across CD that was labelled "interesting backup and cool stuff" yesterday, and found some saved conversations and emails between hubby and myself. The text file contains conversation dated from before the courtship (thanks to ICQ for being able to save yearsssss of chat history) up to a few months into the courtship.

It's interesting how re-reading these conversation gives a different impression to the relationship at the point of time, and it's wonderful to be able to see the pattern of conversation flow, between the same 2 person, during the different phases of our lives. Certain part of the chat history also significantly highlighted out the changes that took place in both of us. It also reminded me of certains things which we used to do or say to each other, which we don't anymore now as a couple. It's fun to read....

I know, many does think that this is crazy, but I am a collector, of all things, and I enjoy looking back at things (just like a chat history) that reminds me of little little things that were so trivial that I don't even remember anymore now. Try digging out something that you have, photos, chats, emails, songs (a friend pointed out in her blog today), even material stuff, that reminds you of that certain important person/events (whether happy or sad)... You'll then know how I feel today, all filled with memories and emotion, it's a very nice warm feeling.... ;)
