Thursday, August 24, 2006

Many a times in life, we are faced with events which we are initially scared of, worried of or even despise of, but later on realise that it happened for the better. This happened to me recently, although I have to admit I was pretty distressed about the whole episode at first, it later on turned out to have helped me in one way or another.

I then was reminded of something I wrote a while back about how God will ensure that whatever happen to me, is for my own good, and I will be able to face it, else He will show me the way and make me learn. And that I should leave all my worries to Him, that He will handle all... I just wish I remember this all the time, instead of needing constant reminders. So why do I get worried about what is going to happen in the tomorrows, or depressed about the yesterdays, when all I can live in is TODAY? The only control that we have, the only changes that are possible, in TODAY!!

Sometimes we are so absorbed with the things we wish for, that we fail to see the whole picture. Sometimes there are just outcomes that are hiding at the corner, which we don't forsee.

So we shouldn't really judge events with the limited eye sight that we have, but to trust God that He knows best.....

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