Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sometimes, the more I read from articles, the more worried I become! Or should I say the more PARANOID I became? HaHaHa.....

Some articles telling me that if BB doesn't move like 10 times in and hours, I should be relaxing more and start counting again, and it BB still doesn't move 10 times within 2 hours after a proper relaxation, time to call the practitioner!! THEN, I start to worry, is BB moving enough? Why am I not feeling any movements? Is something wrong?

Another article I read tells me that if I feel certain pressure in my lower abdomen in a certain way, it's not a good sign, and IT'S TIME TO CALL MY PRACTITIONER!! THEN, I start to worry, is what I'm feeling now the that kinda pressure that is being describe, and part of me will say DAMN, I THINK IT IS, and another say YOU SURE AR?

Mum told me the other day, that if BB is moving too frequently too fast or etc, then I might be sitting in a weird position that BB is not feeling comfortable!! OMIGOD!! That makes me worry EACH time BB move. Seriously, the nearer it is to 7th month (yeah!! can u imagine? 7 months already!!) the more worried I become, because I am so afraid that BB will pop out prematured!! :(

SIGH! I pity my BB also. Move too much, I ask why, don't move, I ASK WHY!! tsk tsk tsk....

NOTE: Good thing Dr. Baskaran don't give me his personal contact number!! HAHAHAHA....
NOTE2: NOW we understand why many practitioners don't want to reveal their number eh? Because I'm sure there's a lot more preggie ladies out there that is exactly like me, always having these irrelevant questions ALL THE TIME!!!!!